3 Reasons to Inspect HVAC System Separately When Buying a Home


If you're in the market for a new residence, you will undoubtedly have potential homes inspected by a house inspector.

But will you have your heating, heating, and air conditioning (HVAC) system inspected separately?

You should. Here are three reasons why.

  1. Your Heating and Air Conditioning System is Around Half of Your Energy Bill

In accordance with Energy Star, approximately half of your yearly energy bill goes toward heating and cooling your house.

Therefore, you ought to make sure that the home's heating system and air conditioning systems are in great working order so that you won't spend more than you need to on energy bills.

An HVAC review will reveal any issues that affect your new house's energy efficiency.

2. Average Home Inspection Does Not Contain Comprehensive HVAC Testing

Home buyers assume that the home inspector has analyzed their heating and air conditioning equipment. However, the house inspector may simply turn on your furnace and air conditioner to make sure they work.

Even if the furnace and air conditioner appear to be working, there may be an inherent problem that the home inspector can't see (such as a cracked heat exchanger).

HVAC is always one of the most missed problems in regards to home inspections and purchasing a new house. Home inspectors don't have the knowledge or tools to run a comprehensive HVAC inspection. HVAC systems, for example automobiles, can work even if there are major issues.

It is highly recommended that you receive the HVAC system checked out by another licensed specialist. Home inspectors simply don't possess the skill to provide a thorough HVAC report.

Actually, house inspection reports arrive with multiple disclaimers about their lack of HVAC knowledge.

Since HVAC repairs and replacements are incredibly expensive and HVAC energy costs account for roughly 50% of your home's total energy bill (the costliest monthly expense), it is crucial that you employ a licensed professional to scrutinize the heating system, ventilation, and ac system.

3. Heating and Air Conditioning Systems will be the Most Expensive Appliances at Your House

Purchasing a home is a significant investment.

And it is one that comes with plenty of expenditures, as each homeowner can attest. But one of the biggest investments inside your home is the heating and air conditioning system.

Therefore it makes sense to get your HVAC system checked out ahead of time to understand what you are getting into.

How Much is a Expert HVAC Inspection?

The cost of HVAC reviews ranges from around $200 on the low end to $600 on the high end. The cost generally depends on the dimensions of the home and whether or not you desire a complete energy-efficiency report.

An HVAC inspection takes just a small bit of money and time and gives you a clearer picture of what to expect if you decide to buy the house. It will tell you the state of your house's heating and cooling system, and if any repairs or replacements are justified.

After a professional inspection by a licensed and trained HVAC technician, then you'll receive a report with all their findings. There may also be recommendations and suggestions for repairs, replacements, and energy-efficiency upgrades.

Learn the bare minimum of what's included in your HVAC inspection.

You're not just purchasing a home, you're purchasing a Costly HVAC system